2013-14. Discussions related to Mighty River Power’s use of Tuwharetoa’s storage of Lake Taupo for the Waikato hydro system. Agreement signed December 2014.
Wind partnership strategy
2008-09 Global wind farm development partnership process for Mighty River Power. RFP process to prospective partners from the UK, Germany, Spain, Australia and the US.
Renewable portfolio
2006-08 Wind and hydro land access agreements with landowners and feasibility assessments.
Okere-Kaituna river hydro
2006-2008: Investigation licences and assessments of the Okere-Kaituna River as a possible hydro scheme.
Whangaehu river
2007: Investigations and agreements related to a feasibility assessment of the Whangaehu river as a possible hydro development.
NZ irrigation
2014: Review of irrigation schemes around NZ
NZ water policy
2014: Review of NZ water policy and regulatory framework.
Waikato hydro system
2014: Assessment of the Waikato hydro system. Resource consents review, water flows and assessment of water uses.