2014: Review of Hawaii for geothermal development.
Australia geothermal
2008: Assessment of the geothermal potential in Australia. Due diligence on a share offer with Hot Rock for the Koroit Valley geothermal tenements.
Kawerau geothermal
2007-2010: Kawerau geothermal field assessments and discussions related to power station development.
Nga Tamariki geothermal
2012: Nga Tamariki $480million development. Development agreements with Tauhara North Number 2 Trust.
Greenfield geothermal
2008: Strategy for greenfield geothermal development.
Te ia a Tutea geothermal
2011-2014: Te ia a Tutea geothermal development. Development and Joint Venture agreements with Okere Inc. and Ruahine Kuharua Inc. Drilling pad consented and constructed in 2013.